Teenage girls’ intimate health in Poland is a taboo, which results from the lack of adequate sexual education. Either it is not being discussed, or the information about intimate infections is based on harmful myths.
The interviews we conducted among young girls show that they seek answers to questions bothering them mainly on online forums and groups. And… that’s precisely the problem!
It turns out that a significant part of this information is simply fake news, which can result in negative health consequences.
We faced this problem together with Recordati Polska – the producer of the Gynoxin drug. By creating the # TeżToMiałam (#IHadThatToo) educational platform, we have put teen girls at the center of communication about their intimate health – no bull** here, and straight to the point!
The graphic design of the platform was based on two elements: the scratchpad style taken from girl-zils and the visual which in our communication symbolizes the information noise around intimate infections.
Our goal was to create a space on the web which will be a reliable center of knowledge on teen girls’ intimate health and will allow them to talk about infections and their prevention without beating around the bush. All this information was provided using the language that the girls use on a daily basis – without boomer chatter. And with the very details that increase the awareness of Gynoxin as a drug and Recordati as a brand that meets the needs of the target group – also entering the product category.
Wejdź na teztomialam.plWe reached teenage girls mainly through TikTok and the support of 12 influencers. Chorzewska Instaporadnia, Natalia Szymaniec or the girls from Sexed.pl contested nonsense about infections and how to deal with them. These influencers also encouraged them to visit teztomialam.pl, where content in the form of publications, expert blogs, e-books or quizzes builds the foundations of knowledge on the intimate health of their female followers.
We supported the communication strategy with media and public relations activities, as part of which we sent creative packages containing materials conveying the ideas of the campaign.
“We decided to cooperate with 19 Południk because of their comprehensive offer and a creative approach to our needs as a brand, as well as the idea of how to effectively reach the target group of our products. The # TeżToMiałam (#IHadThatToo) campaign was created for teen girls and young women who experience an intimate infection for the first time. The amount of information on the web, including many myths about the causes and ways of dealing with this problem, can cause confusion and dissonance among young consumers. Being the owner of the Gynoxin brand – the most frequently chosen over-the-counter drugs for intimate infections in Poland – we decided to introduce this delicate topic to young girls in an accessible way, breaking the accompanying taboo and increasing the chances of promoting proper prophylaxis and treatment ”.
Małgorzata Gebel – Senior Brand Manager OTC at Recordati Polska Sp. z o.o.
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