Gemini Park Tychy


Neuca Clinical Research

New architecture for the clinical trial brands of the Neuca Group.




Pharmaceutical, Technology


Strategy, Branding, Website



Designing a new brand architecture is a complex task in itself. Add to this the highly specialized area of the pharmaceuticals and the international nature of the project, and this makes a challenge just right for us.

Clinical trials in Poland and worldwide

Clinical trials can go unnoticed, but without them the modern world could not exist.

With many years of research into new drugs and treatment methods, clinical trial companies in the Neuca Group connect patients and science.

This requires us to work with many groups of stakeholders, from Big Pharma, to research centers, to medical consultants.

Our task was to build a new architecture of Neuca Group’s clinical trial brands.

The first stage was to conduct a series of strategic workshops for the management of three companies: Pratia, Bioscience, Clinmed.

One of the effects was the decision to merge two contract research organization (CRO) brands: Bioscience and Clinmed, under the name Clinscience. In addition, we have created claims for each of the brands, to emphasize their identities and their specialization.

The second stage was creating the new identification of specialist brands under a single umbrella identification for clinical trials.

The change of identification included all printed and digital content, from images to sales materials.

One of the most important areas where the new brand identity was to materialize was the website pratia.com. Its main purpose is to recruit patients for clinical trials and refer them to appropriate centers throughout Poland.



The design process included a change of the website architecture, to improve patients’ quick access to examinations. Additional required elements included the doctors and partner (e.g., Big Pharma) cooperation module.


The website design was created based on a simple, minimalist layout with a lot of free space between the page sections, to make navigation as easy as possible for patients with health problems and the elderly.

The website was based on CMS WordPress, for flexible content management by the client. The process of changing the brand architecture within the NEUCA Group culminated with the launch of the website.



Gemini Park Tychy

Permanent communication services for a shopping center in Tychy.

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