The Green Bazaar


We have something good in common

A campaign promoting bread consumption for the Association of Bread Producers


Association of Bread Producers





Strategy, Creative Idea, 360 ° Campaign

Our activities were aimed at encouraging consumers to broaden their knowledge on bread baked in stores. That is why we focused mainly on communicating the product development process, as well as the pro-health benefits of the ingredients of bread and rolls, included in the daily diet.

In order to properly reach the target group with the campaign, we used many different communication channels, thanks to which we showed that Poles have something really good in common.


The central point of the campaign was the website laczynascosdobrego.pl, where we presented the detailed process of making bread in an engaging way. We also presented the promoted types of bread and rolls, we made a free educational e-book available for children, and together with a dietitian we debunked the myths about bread.

Dietitian’s support

On the website, with the support of our partner Katarzyna Błażejewska-Stuhr – an expert in clinical dietetics and psychodietetics, we could also debunk the most popular myths about the ingredients of baked bread in the store.


Photo Shoot

We made a campaign-dedicated photo shoot presenting both individual products (packshot) and arrangement photos.

Media campaign

We promoted the campaign both through PR activities and Google Ads, as well as via Facebook, using popular media formats – instant materials, carousels and video posts.

Original educational e-book

In order to reach the youngest consumers as well, we designed a unique educational e-book “Bułka i Spółka”(‘’Rolls & Co.’’). We encouraged parents and teachers to download it so that the children could learn about each stage of baking and learn more about healthy eating along with them.

Download the e-book

The Green Bazaar

The brand identity of a unique place in Katowice.

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